Farms and Farming
Farms and Farmer from 1851 census (Adapted from work by Mary Bray (1975))
J Dinsdale 5 Acres
J Nixon 42 Acres
T Metcalf 19 Acres
G Cottingham 128 Acres
T Hobson 24 Acres
James Marshall 200 Acres
J Richardson 20 Acres
Henry Nicholson 500 Acres
M. Beaulah Wid 120 Acres
J. Campbell 500 Acres +260 Acres
The following are transcribed from a selection of historical trade directories by Chris Breen
Bracken Hill
1856 Beaulah John
1909-1913 Tomlinson, Samuel & Mary Elizabeth
1919-1937 McIntyre T Alex
Brickhills Farm, Castlethorpe
1905-1930 Spilman, James
1933-1941 Spilman, Arthur Odin, JP
Bridge Farm
1868-1909 Lamming George
1892 Stoker George
1913 Holt John
1919-1933 Holt Elizabeth
1930-1933 Holt Ancell B
Broughton Carrs
1896-1919 Nixon, Parkinson James
Skinner, Jesse
1922-1930 Bannister, Alfred
1930-1933 Maultby, Arthur Daniel
1930-1933 Mumby, Joseph, Foreman, TJ Long
1941 Whitaker, W
Broughton Common before Enclosures
Tenant Farmers
1826 Coulson, Robert
1826 Hutchinson, William
1826 Moss, Thomas
1826 Neal, Thomas
1826 Nicholson, Thomas
1826 Nixon, William
1826 Parish, John
Broughton Common after Enclosure
1846 Berridge, Richard
1846 Clark, John
1846 Earl of Yarborough
1846 Joseph, Mathews
1846 Moore, Joseph
1846 Marshall, James
1846 Poor of Broughton
1846 Rector
1846 Smith, Hannah
1872 Andrew, James
1892 Clark, George – Cottager
1909-1919 Dent, Edwards
1937 Haywood Wilfred, Carr Farm
1933 Lowe P
1892 Nixon, John
1926 Nixon, Parkinson James
1892 Robinson, Williams
1896-1905 Trippett, James Mellows
1910-1922 Wright, Herbert
1868-1872 Marshall George
1876-1892 Holt Thomas
1896-1913 Holt John
1919-1933 Holt Elizabeth
Broughton Vale
1852-1868 Nicholson, Henry
1873-1885 Peace Charles Osmond
1892-1922 Spilman, George
1926-1933 Wright, William
1939 Traves, Christopher Harold
1933-1937 Bird AE
1913 Bird, George
1922-1930 Bird, George
1842-1913 Clark John, (Tanner & Malster)
1842-1849 Clark Joseph, Farmer
1863 Clarke, Thomas, John and William
1856 Coulbeck, William
1919-1926 Dent Joseph Holland, Market Gardener
1852-1885 Foster, John Clarke
1905-1909 Gautby William Market gardener
1842-1856 Grantham Mrs Dinah
1909 Graves George, cottage Farmer
1852 Hocknell, Benjamin
1885-1909 Lamming Charles Fredrick
1842-1926 Popple James
1930 Popple Violet
1937 Robinson Walter B
1892 Stoker George
1885-1889 Stoker Henry
1922-1933 Tacy Charles
1856 Taplin, Thomas
1852-1876 Taylor, John George
1885 Taylor, John George (Trustees)
1889-1896 Taylor John William and Frederick George
1863 Taylor, Thomas Grantham
1876-1892 Tomlinson Samuel
1855 Wass, Thomas
Castlethorpe Hall
1933-1937 Wright William
Caw farm
1889 Kirkham A
Carr Farm
1939 Gilliat Thomas
Common Farm
1955 Parker R
Decoy House
1842 Smith, John
1856-1876 Cox, Charles
1892-1909 Bird, James
1910-1926 Skinner, Jesse
Farwood Farm
1913 Campbell Harold
1919-1930 Clarke John Walters
1933 Patchett Charles Edward
1937 Tuplin George
Farwood Lodge
1892 Carter Herman
Gokewell Priory Farm
1841-1842 Brown, William
1852-1868 Campbell, James
1872-1876 Campbell, Mrs Anna
1892 Clarke, John Waters
1909-1913 Skinner, Jesse & Mary Alice
1919-1922 Driffield, John William
1926-1930 Lidgard & Kirby
1937 Kirby, William Fredrick
High Stanton
1892 Beals Charles
1872 Croft Mrs Sarah
1892 Croft George
1900-1919 Blanchard John
1922-1930 Lowe William, Cow keep
1930-1937 Lowe Edward Albert
Manor Farm
1892 Walker William
Mount, Castlethorpe
1933-1937 Wright William
1863-1872 Wass, Thomas
1889-1909 Beaulah, John
1913 Wilson, George
1919-1922 Spilman Edward
1926-1937 Spilman Albert Edward
1941 Rands Cliff, Ivy Cottage
1941 Govaland, Miss C M
Rectory / Glebe Farm
1868-1896 Allen, Joseph
1896 Wressell, John Wm
1900 Nixon, William
1905-1909 Gurnell, William
1911 Bell Thomas & Hannah
1911 Bell, Charles & Fanny
1919 Bell, Charles
1922-1926 Robinson, John
1930-1933 Bones, Arthur
1941 J Wells, Junior
Village Farm
1922 Nixon Parkinson James
1926 Wilson, Arthur Samuel
1933 Brown Christopher, Market Gardener
1937 Clarke Walter, Market Gardener
1930-1937 Seed Capt. JAT, Poultry. The Bungalow
Wressle House
1872 Clark Thomas
1919-1937 Skinner, Jesse
Hart, Norman (Maj)
Willis Dr
No Location Listed
1842 Barton John
1842-1876 Beaulah John
1863 Beaulah Mary
1889-1892 Bird James
1849-1855 Brice Thomas
1900-1913 Brown George
1909-1933 Brumby John William, cottage farmer
1933-1937 Burlass William
1909 Campbell Harold
1863 Campbell James
1892-1905 Carter, Herman
1842-1863 Chafer John
1909-1930 Chatterton William
1909-1930 Clarke George, Cottage farmer
1856-1863 Clark Thomas
1892-1909 Clark Thomas
1909 Cooper Annie (Miss),
1849-1856 Cottingham George
1868-1876 Coulbeck William
1909-1933 Croft Robert, Cottage Farmer
1842 Day Edward
1856 Dent Fredrick
1913-1937 Dent John
1842 Empson Charles
1842-1849 Gildin Joseph
1937 Green Cyril J
1849-1872 Headland Joseph
1863 Holmes John
1842 Hucknell George
1856 Lamming George
1889-1892 Lamming John Arthur
1868-1876 Lee John
1863 Marshall George
1842-1856 Marshall James
1855-1863 Metcalf Thomas
1842-1863 Neal William
1892 Nicholson Mr Ann
1852-1892 Nixon John
1855-1863 Nixon William
1892 Nixon & Parkinson James
1842 Parish John
1885-1889 Pearce Charles O
1863-1868 Peat William Wilson
1863 Pilgrim Mrs L
1849-1856 Pilgrim Robert
1842 Raynes, Michael
1885-1889 Robinson James,
1872-1892 Robinson William
1842 Shaw William
1892 Smith Howden
1892 Stanley Thomas
1892-1905 Tomlinson Alfred
1863-1896 Walker William
1900 Walker George
1842 Walsham Ann
1885-1930 Wells John
1926 Wells Edwin
World War II Farms
During the Second World War in 1941 the Ministry of Agriculture and food conducted a survey of all farms and smallholding producing food the survey for Broughton is shown below.
1 William Black Rose Cottage (Briggate Lodge)
2 White House Farm, Castlethorpe owned by A.E Bird Holly Villa, Scotter
3 Wressle Cross Roads. J W Boulton
4 D Butler, The Poplars Broughton (Bungalow opposite mini market)
5 Blank entry
6 GW Graves, 33 South view ½ acre carrots
7 Broughton Brickyard co, Newport St, Barton
8 J or T. H Clarke, Water Mill Place (Blackbourn)
10 W Clarke, Wressle ¼ Sprouts ¼ Green Peas ¼ Cauliflower/Broccoli ¼ Darfodills/Narcissi
11 A Dent, Blowthorne, Castlethorpe, 1 acre Carrots
12 The Farmers Co Ltd, Yarborough oil Mills
13 C G Green, The Vale, Broughton 5 acres Carrots 2 Acres Beetroot
14 Appleby House, Broughton, S Grant. Armun?? House, Broughton
15 J? Holt, Elsham, Brigg 8 acres Straw
16 W Whitaker, Broughton Carr, 6 acres dried peas, 1 ½ acres straw
17 O V Knipe, Bridge Farm, Castlethorpe
18 W.H Kirby, Gokewell Priory, Farm
19 S Guilliat, Carr Farm, Broughton 1 Acre Hay 5 Acre Straw
20 C J or T Lee, the Mount Farm, Castlethorpe 9 A Carrots, 10 Hay,6 Straw
21 Hall Farm, Castlethorpe, owned by C J or T Lee, The Mount
22 A.E Lowe, Manby ¼ gooseberries ¼ Sprouts ½ Cauliflower/Broccoli
23 Missing
24 Y or T Page, Appleby Lane, Broughton
25 R O Porkess, Broughton 1/4 a Carrots
26 Cliff Rands, Ivy Cottage, Raventhorpe
27 EA Beedham, Mill Place Brigg ½ A Straw
28 Decoy Farm, Broughton??? Winterton Scunthorpe 20 hay 10 Straw
29 J Skinner, Wressle 9 Carrot 1 beetroot 6 dried peas 2 Hay 1 straw
30 A O Spillman, Brickhills, 7 A Carrots
31 Missing
32 Missing
33 Mrs? G W Tuplin, Far Wood Farm, Broughton ½ Straw
34 Missing
35 G? Weels? Weeks 26 South View, 1 Carrots 1 Turnip/swede
36 Rectory Farm, Broughton, J Wells Junior, Pinfold Corner, Broughton
37 Village Farm / evergreen Farm, 3 A Carrots, J Wells, Pinfold Corner, Broughton
38 G/J P Jackson, Manby Lodge, Broughton
39 C Davey, Carr Farm, Castlethorpe
40 Mill Place Farm, T W Allbones? Scawby Brook, Mill Place Farm
41 A Watson, Scawby Rd
50 Mr C Brown, Green lane, Wressle
51 Mr C Tracey, Tannery, Castlethorpe
52 P. Wilson, Lowvain Villas, Broughton, ¼ Hay ½ Straw
53 H North, Schoolhouse, ¼ Strawberries
54 Miss C M Govaland, Raventhorpe
55 J W Gousell, Pillar Box House, Wressle
56 Mr R Hair? Wressle